Cédric GrandGuillot & Guillaume Le Disez prepared for 3 years the first book about the cultest of the French actresses, Brigitte Lahaie les films de culte.
Les Disques de culte are produced by Aurélien Bacot & Guillaume Le Disez.
Claude Gaillard & Guillaume Le Disez are the coauthors of the book wich tells the crazy years of the pornography on VHS, Rayon X. They founded the label Pulse for releasing films, music and bookds about exploitation movies.
Hands of Steel & Exterminators of the Year 3000 were released on blu-ray/DVD by Claude Gaillard & Guillaume Le Disez
Cédric GrandGuillot
Cédric GrandGuillot
Guillaume Le Disez
Guillaume Le Disez
Aurélien Bacot
Aurélien Bacot
Claude Gaillard
Claude Gaillard